
Videogame Life by My Friend Paco :D

If we think, life is much like a video game.

In general, it is not so much about how many pixels there are, but how they are used.

We turn our life around dodging obstacles, solving puzzles that strike our minds, using weapons that we found almost random in the way and defeat those bosses who cross our path.

We miss the old classic and we judge the new ones, not forgetting of course, that not all classic was tremendous and even the new can reach beyond our expectations.

we are not supouse to judge according to hours of play, but how much time you do in fact enjoy

Call it whatever we want, but our life is based on the fight of our ambitions, either: to rescue our beloved princess or saving the lives of many loved ones, enjoying the glory of the conquered demons, or simply live with the riches of greedy mind.

As the games, life is best lived with friends, those who try to help you, or those who we try to prove our superiority. More than ever we can´t forget the campaigns that we need in our own loneliness.

We dream and fight to brag that we have beat thousands of strangers, raise our hands after the triumphs of long hours of effort, we crush our teeth to cross what is impenetrable.

Life is hard, and full of enemies, lava-filled grounds and paths of thorns, and eventually die of some form, but we should not stop, the deaths of the games are the falls in our life, and as such thousands of deaths come to be, but the lives and opportunities are many and even if we dont beleave it, life always gives you the option to press the button "CONTINUE" and find, that message of cheap congratulations you after win the game.

A litlle poem to gamers

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